What is Stock Market

The stock market is similar to a large marketplace where people can buy and sell small businesses. When you own these pieces, called stocks, you become a part-owner of the company. Stock prices can go up or down based on how well the company is doing. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to dabble in the thrilling realm of stock trading without the risk of losing real money?

Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the ins and outs of playing the Evolution Stock Market, where you can experience the excitement of trading stocks in a simulated environment. Whether you’re a seasoned investor looking to refine your skills or a newcomer curious about the world of stocks, this guide is your go-to resource. Let’s delve into the fascinating journey of learning how to play the Evolution Stock Market and discover the strategies that can lead you to success.

How to play the Evolution Stock Market Gb888 Live Casino Guide

How to play the Evolution Stock Market


The Evolution Stock Market is a new and exciting live casino game that combines a fast-paced prediction game with the world of finance. The goal of playing the Evolution Stock Market is to make profitable investments. The chart, which rises and falls within the UP and DOWN areas, visualizes the changing value.


The Evolutions Stock Market consisted of two phases of game features: the “Betting and Trading Phases.” Betting on both sides is not possible, but you can switch sides during the betting period. Once your bet is accepted, it is added to your portfolio.

  1. Place Bets: Bet on whether a stock’s price will go up or down.
  2. Earn Points: If your bets are correct, you’ll win points.

Gameplay Phases

The game progresses through different phases, including the “Betting and Trading Phases.”

  • Placing Bets: Make your predictions on whether the stock prices will rise or fall.
  • Earning Points: Score points based on your predictions’ accuracy.
  • Climbing the Leaderboard: See how you rank against other players based on your performance.

Betting Options

In the Evolution Stock Market, you have two main betting options. The table’s bet limit panel displays the maximum and minimum allowed limits, which may change from time to time.

  1. Up Bet: You bet that a stock’s price will go up. If the stock increases by that amount, plus your initial stake, you’ll gain 50%.
  2. Down Bet: You bet that a stock’s price will go down. If the stock decreases by 50%, you’ll gain 50%, but if it increases by 50%, you’ll lose 50%.

You can choose the value of each chip you want to bet on by viewing the displayed chips. Once you have selected the chips, you can place your bet by simply clicking the bet spot on the game table. Choose wisely to maximize your chances of winning! 


  • Stick to Your Bet: You can keep your bet on the same spot or switch to the opposite bet spot during the session.
  • You can cash out your portfolio after completing a trade, but not during a bet.

Remember, the game comes with a 99% RTP (the commission is 1%). Enjoy the thrill of the stock market in this one-of-a-kind live casino experience!


The game provides you with a virtual balance to start with.

Yes, you can play on both Gb888 Casino mobile devices and computers.


The Evolution Stock Market is an exciting game that allows you to test your skills at predicting stock prices. Understanding the rules, making smart bets, and following our tips can increase your chances of success. Sign up today at Gb888 casino and start playing today and see if you can climb to the top of the leaderboard!

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